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生物大分子室级学术报告-Protein phase transition: formation of supramolecular networks for mitosis and cell fate regulation

发表日期:2016-10-27 07:40  打印  放大 缩小  【关闭

报告人: 朱学良研究员 中科院上海生化与细胞所


时 间: 2016年11月3日 15:00

地 点: 图书馆


现任中科院上海生化与细胞所副所长, 生物学国家重点实验室主任、Mol Biol Cell和《细胞生物学杂志》副主编、Cell Res和ABBS编委、中国细胞生物学会监事等。朱学良实验室利用细胞、斑马鱼、小鼠等模型研究微管依赖性细胞器的形成、功能及调节机理。作为通讯或共同通讯作者在Cell、Nat Cell Biol、Dev Cell、PLoS Biol、J Cell Biol等杂志发表多篇研究论文。曾获上海市自然科学一等奖、中国细胞生物学会-CST 杰出成就奖等荣誉。


Expanding evidence shows that proteins can undergo phase transition through intermolecular hydrophobic interactions to form molecular networks involved in different physiological and pathological processes. Spindle matrix is a poorly understood membrane-enriched structure important for mitosis. We find that BuGZ, an important mitotic regulator, is critical for both spindle and spindle matrix formation. More importantly, BuGZ undergoes phase transition in vitro, forming liquid droplets whose size and number are time-, temperature-, and concentration-dependent. The phase transition of BuGZ facilitates microtubule growth and bundling and is required for spindle matrix assembly. Furthermore, our recent results suggest that BuGZ recruits a cell fate regulator to the spindle matrix through phase transition. We thus propose that the spindle matrix is a multifunctional supramolecular network built through protein phase transition.
